
Climate Change and Plant Foods: The Influence of Environmental Stressors on Plant Metabolites and Future Food Sources

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Phenolic Profile and Antioxidant Capacity of Invasive Solidago canadensis L.: Potential Applications in Phytopharmacy

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Book of Abstracts

Synergy in Science: Collaborative Phytochemical Studies in Croatia

Znanstveni poster

The Invasive Alien Plant Solidago canadensis: Phytochemical Composition, Ecosystem Service Potential, and Application in Bioeconomy

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In vitro genotoxic activity of lead and flower extracts of alien invasive species Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle

Znanstveni poster

Exploring Plant Morphology as s Contribution to the Assessment of the Phytochemical Potential of Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle

Znanstveni poster

Invasive Alien Species as a Potential Source of Phytopharmaceuticals: Phenolic Composition and Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Activity of Robinia pseudoacacia L. Leaf and Flower Extracts

Znanstveni rad

Morphology of extrafloral nectaries of Ailanthus
(Mill.) Swingle (Simaroubaceae)

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The good, the bad, and the ugly: invasive alien plant species as phytopharmaceuticals or the good, the bad and the unknown?

Znanstveni poster

Robinia pseudoacacia L. – Invasive species as source of phytopharmaceuticals

Znanstveni poster

Alien Invasive Plants as Food and Phytopharmaceuticals

Usmeno izlaganje

Development of drone-based methodology for inventory and monitoring invasive plants along river banks in Croatia

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A new approach to teaching about invasive species using a pocket paper microscope Foldscope

Znanstveni poster

Invasive alien species as potential source of phytopharmaceuticals

Znanstveni poster

LC–DAD–MS Phenolic Characterisation of Six Invasive Plant Species in Croatia and Determination of Their Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Activity

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Invasive alien plant species in Croatia as new ecosystem services providers

Znanstveni prezentacija

Antioxidant capacity of leaf extracts of four invasive alien plants species in Istria (Croatia)

Znanstveni poster

Phenolic composition of leaf extract of four invasive plant species in Istria (Croatia)

Znanstveni poster

Aerial mapping of flowering Jerusalem artichoke: a comparison of two methods

Znanstveni poster

Remote Sensing in Invasive Specie Detection and Monitoring

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